Siddha Medicine (" சித்த மருத்துவம்" or " தமிழ் மருத்துவம் " in Tamil) is usually considered as the oldest medical system known to mankind.Contemporary Tamil literature holds that the system of Siddha medicine originated in Southern India, in the state of Tamil Nadu. Siddha is reported to have surfaced more than 20,000 years ago
Siddhargal" or Siddhars were the premier scientists of ancient days. Siddhars, mainly from Southern India laid the foundation for this system of medication. Siddhars were spiritual adepts who possessed the ashta siddhis, or the eight supernatural powers. Sage Agathiyar is considered the guru of all Sidhars, and the Siddha system is believed to have been handed over to him by Lord . "Agathiyar" was the first Siddhar,and his disciples and Siddhars from other schools produced thousands of texts on Siddha, including medicine, and form the propounders of the system to the world
The Siddha science is the oldest traditional treatment system generated from tami culture. The Siddha flourished in the period of Indus Valley civilization. Palm leaf manuscripts says that the Siddha system was first described by Lord Shiva to his wife Parvati. Parvati explained all this knowledge to her son Lord Muruga. He taught all these knowledge to his disciple sage Agasthya. Agasthya taught 18 Siddhars and they spread this knowledge to human beings.
The word Siddha vaithiyam comes from tamil word . Siddha focused to "Ashtamahasiddhi," the eight supernatural power. Those who attained or achieved the above said powers are known as Siddhars. There were 18 important Siddhars in olden days and they developed this system of medicine. Hence, it is called Siddha medicine. The Siddhars wrote their knowledge in palm leaf manuscripts, fragments of which were found in parts of tamil nadu -South India. It is believed that some families may possess more fragments but keep them solely for their own use. There is a huge collection of Siddha maruthuvam manuscripts kept by traditional Siddhar families.
According to the manikuttan, there were 22 principal siddhars. Of these 22, Agasthya is believed to be the father of siddha medicine. Siddhars were of the concept that a healthy soul can only be developed through a healthy body. So they developed methods and medication that are believed to strengthen their physical body and thereby their souls. Men and women who dedicated their lives into developing the system were called Siddhars. They practiced intense yogic practices, including years of periodic fasting and meditation, and were believed to have achieved supernaturals powers and gained the supreme wisdom and overall immortality. Through this spiritually attained supreme knowledge, they wrote scriptures on all aspects of life, from arts to science and truth of life to miracle cure for diseases.
From the manuscripts, the siddha system of medicine developed into part of Indian medical science. Today, Siddha is taught in government as well as private colleges
Siddha medicine means medicine that is perfect. Siddha maruthuvam is claimed to revitalize and rejuvenate dysfunctional organs that cause the disease and to maintain the ratio of Dosha Vaadham, Pitham and Kabam. The siddha medicine given to practitioners include leaves, flowers, fruit and various roots in a mixed basis. In some extraordinary cases, this medicine is not at all cured. For those such cases, they recommend to take Thanga Pashpam in it; gold is also added in an eating method.
Most of the practicing Siddha medical practitioners are traditionally trained, usually in families and by gurus (teachers). When the guru is a martial arts teacher, he is also known as an ashan. They make a diagnosis after a patient's visit and set about to refer to their manuscripts for the appropriate remedies, which a true blue physician compounds by himself or herself, from thousands of herbal and herbo-mineral resources. The methodology of siddha thought has helped decipher many causes of disorders and the formulation of curious remedies which may sometimes have more than 250 ingredients.
In diagnosis, examination of eight items is required which is commonly known as "enn vakaith thervu". These are:
Na (tongue): black in Vaatham, yellow or red in pitham, white in kabam, ulcerated in ANAEMIA.
Varnam (colour): dark in Vaatham, yellow or red in pitham, pale in kabam.
Kural (voice): normal in Vaatham, high-pitched in pitham, low-pitched in kabam, slurred in ALCOHOLISM.
Kan (eyes): muddy conjunctiva, yellowish or red in pitham, pale in kabam.
Thodal (touch): dry in Vaatham, warm in pitham, chill in kapha, sweating in different parts of the body.
Malam (stool): black stools indicate Vaatham, yellow pitham, pale in kabam, dark red in ulcer and shiny in terminal illness.
Neer (urine): early morning urine is examined; straw color indicates indigestion, reddish-yellow color in excessive heat, rose in blood pressure, saffron color in jaundice, and looks like meat washed water in renal disease.
Naadi (pulse): the confirmatory method recorded on the radial art
The drugs used by the Siddhars could be classified into three groups: thavaram (herbal product), thadhu (inorganic substances) and jangamam (animal products).[The Thadhu drugs are further classified as: uppu (water-soluble inorganic substances or drugs that give out vapour when put into fire), pashanam (drugs not dissolved in water but emit vapour when fired), uparasam (similar to pashanam but differ in action), loham (not dissolved in water but melt when fired), rasam (drugs which are soft), and ghandhagam (drugs which are insoluble in water, like sulphur).
The drugs used in siddha medicine were classified on the basis of five properties: suvai (taste), gunam (character), veeryam (potency), pirivu (class) and mahimai (action).
According to their mode of application, the siddha medicines could be categorized into two classes:
Internal medicine was used through the oral route and further classified into 32 categories based on their form, methods of preparation, shelf-life, etc.
External medicine includes certain forms of drugs and also certain applications (such as nasal, eye and ear drops), and also certain procedures (such as LEECH application). It also classified into 32 categories.
4448 diseases:
pitham 48,
kapham 96,
vayu 300,
sayam 7,
soolai 200,
pandu 10,
silandinoi 60,
sanninoi 76,
perungalalai 95,
suram 85
thanurvayu 300
peruvayuru 8
makotharam 7
thalayilveekkam 5
udambuveekkam 16
pilavai 10
paduvan 11
kopulnoi 7
peelinoi 8
uruvasiam 5
karappan 90
kendai 10
kuttam 20
kathirveechunoi 3
thittainoi 6
sobai 16
Esivu 6
murchai 7
padunoi 46
moolanoi 9
azalnoi 10
penisam 76
kadivisham 76
nakkupalnoi 76
kirani 25
maalaikan 20
athisaram 25
kati 12
kirumi 6
muttunoi 30
muthiranoi 20
saththi 5
kalladaippu 80
vaivu 90
thimirnoi 10
vipuruthi 18
mekaneer 21
neernoi 5
vizapakam 16
kathunoi 10
vikkal 10
arosikam 5
mukunoi 10
kadithodam 500
kayamkathuvetu 700
kiranthi 48
porivisham 800
puraneerkovai 200
thudinoi 100
pillainoi 100
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